There is no one true definition to success

How do you define success since there is no one true definition?

Success comes with “hard work, persistence, late nights, discipline, rejections, courage, criticism, changes, risks, passion, honesty, dedication, innovation, and even good habits.” And because there is no one true definition, we'd like to start somewhere by sharing this explanation of Usain Bolt, an olympic champion (by Dan Western).

  1. “State your goals & make them real.”—Usain Bolt.

Success is a favourable outcome when we look at it from an objective standpoint, given that we are already functioning to the best of our abilities on a daily basis. But when we are able to follow through with the minor or major things we set out for ourselves, by stating our goals and making them real, contributes drastically to the victory of this lesson. 

To add icing on this cake, when we are supplying our goals with meaning and purpose, we enable a natural and constant flow of inspiration. An inspiration that is needed for every other sought out accomplishment. 

“A universal law is that the more you’re focused on something and take action connected to it, the more doors you open and the more life gives you chances to get closer to your vision.”—Patrick Banks

2. “You must want it more than the competition.”—Usain Bolt. 

The likelihood of us wanting it more than our competition may be by simply defeating old beliefs, thoughts, and habits that are against our most inner desires. Believe it or not, these old beliefs, thoughts, and habits are set forth as challenges, and as some of the greatest thresholds to our next successful outcome. Competition does not always present itself in the physical form.

3. “Don’t be afraid of anybody else.”—Usain Bolt 

There are times when fear initially becomes the greatest weight, potentially blocking our distinctiveness. There’s an existing factor that all fear simply lies within ourselves. This comes down to the projection of lesson 2. And “you don’t have to worry about what 'their' vibration is if your vibration is one of connection. Because if your vibration is one of connection — you’re going to dominate the vibration. But you can control your vibration. And when you control your vibration, you’ve controlled everything that has anything to do with you.”—Abraham-Hicks Publication

Lesson 3’s acknowledgment may lie upon the basis of our personal restriction from the very thoughts, emotions, and behaviour we should instead encourage about our personal success.

4. “It doesn’t matter where you start, as long as you finish strong.”—Usain Bolt. 

“Rome was not built in a day, neither will the bridge that leads to success.”—Unknown

Take a few seconds. Take a couple of hours. Take days, weeks, months or even years to clearly define your starting-line, the journey, and expected outcome. Certainly, the time and effort we adhere to will definitely establish a foundation for the greatest of rewards one can only begin to imagine. Don’t wait forever, though.

5. “Regardless of whether you improve, the world around you will.”—Usain Bolt. 

Have you ever considered the meaning of evolution? It is defined by Merriam Webster’s dictionary to reference “a process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse to a higher, more complex, or better state: GROWTH.” GROWTH is “progressive development.” How is it that the world around us will not improve when every single second there is growth in some shape or form?

Our daily functioning hydrates and regenerates itself as evolution alone. The next best thing for us to do is submit to this lesson in similar ways of lesson 1—to “state your goals and make them real.”—Usain Bolt

Let us not be forced to play “catch-up” or be held captive by stagnancy to improve with the world around us. Choose to evolve in the very seconds we are given.

6. “Use both support & hate as motivation.”—Usain Bolt. 

Honesty is the best policy, and whether we are aware of it or not, there are some out here rooting for us, and others celebrating every hardship we experience. What is important to understand is the magnitude of someone else’s interest or lack thereof upon our success. Just as support motivates us, be mindful of the truth to how much the “hate” can just as likely make us invincible. 

7. “Personality is never to be forgotten.”—Usain Bolt. 

The ultimate given lesson in this article of success is to remember that our character is even more responsible and essential to our credibility. Look at this from your own perspective and identify the thought and comfort when seeing someone who collaborates their successive efforts to humility. Our environment is only left to appreciate and admire, even when some urge to “hate.”

By clearing some of the air for us to recognize that there’s no one true definition to success, reading these seven lessons, are any of them familiar to you? If they are, I’m grateful for the thought that you’re already recognizing your strength and intention for growth. Remember that no one(’s) definition of success is necessarily right or wrong. Whatever it is we authentically feed into our minds for a greater good, is worth celebrating.

Every day we’re given the opportunity to build on our existing growth. We’re also given the choice to deprive it. We must make our decision, choose wisely and avoid as much delay in exceeding our full potential at every given juncture. Again, just don’t wait too long.

Our own perception of success is classic, that is why it is personal, and one of a kind. Beyond what the outer world may ever get to see or understand. This journey within is what sets us apart in how we define and submit to success.

Rest, recovery and reflection are also key elements to remain in alignment with our purpose. At the end of it all, we should encourage ourselves to do the best we can with what is given in front of us, and for what situation exists. It first takes us to go back and define our life-long vision, mission, and purpose and making them real. The rest shall flow from there. 

Here are some relatable quotes:

"The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus."—Bruce Lee

"You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job, and not be paid for it."—Oprah Winfrey


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