Building Network & Building Friendship

We are bound to meet new people,…

…everyday at that, whether we simply cross paths on the street or from being introduced. We are all here scattered on this earth to help each other on our separate journey. Sometimes for the good, and for times it’s beyond our most logical intelligence and common senses. 

Many times we are left without first understanding why we really want to “connect,” though.

In case you were wondering, “cultivating lasting, loving friendships takes time and effort; however, I cannot express on you how important investment in friends is.” (Hughes Lynch, 2011)

Being an adult, learning and understanding more about ourselves gives us this independent power. There’s this developed ability to take base with our “higher self,” each and every time we need to. We are always “connecting” with the need to make proper discernments about what and who it is we want to support or let into our space. Why not attempt to understand more of this?
Let’s first identify certain thought processes and intentions about these people we cross path with…

Sometimes, it may take the minute that person opens their mouth to speak, to come to a realization. It may be by the end of whatever conversation we’ve held that fuels our inspiration, and vice versa. It may be until the day after we have consulted our connection. It may come into effect months or even years after that initial contact. 

Let’s start to question if other people’s character and behaviour truly exudes what we want in a personal or professional arena. Are they a true reflection or representation of who I am or who I are aiming to be? What are your goals? Your purpose?

Let’s be more aware of our energy when we’re in other’s presence. Take a step back. Consider what truly is there to sow and reap. If this person does not contribute to my well-being in no way, then it’s time to make peace and move on. If there’s so much more going on with the vibe, then lies an undiscovered answer that I should further explore. Don’t you think?

Those who encourage my purpose from early on, are the ones I need to build leverage with. Those are the ones I need and want in my space. For good reasons of course because those are the same ones who will inspire me time and time again or maybe just from that one encounter. That person might have given me an answer to a question I have been attempting to answer. Obtaining a new friendship or partnership will subject us to extract value in some essential way.

“Building a lasting friendship is not easy. If you are authentic and are willing to open yourself up to others, you will find that they are many people who are looking for a good friend. So, if you haven’t already, take the time to invest in friendships. They may be your lifelines one day, and you may be one for them.” (Hughes Lynch, 2011) 

This, my friend, is one step closer to understanding how important it may be to build on network and friendships. Make this attempt the next time you are being gravitated toward meeting someone new. “Your network is your net worth and in so many way.”—Porter Gale 

Here are some relatable quotes:

“It is through the strength of what is genuine that meaningful connections build into relationships.” ― Michelle Tillis Lederman

“There’s a difference between being liked and being valued. A lot of people like you. Not many value you. Be valued.”—Unknown


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